Daniel started in the 1990's learning guitar, bass, drums and, eventually, keyboards. His real passion is hard rock but as the years went on he learned to like a vast variety of music. Although he never became a professional musician he could play well enough to write and records songs. His first band, Sylent Eve, never did much but had a great run on a local rock radio station. He switched to solo as Scatterstone but never ventured to play live on his own. It was during those years that these rock songs were recorded and produced with all instruments, vocals and lyrics written, performed and mixed by Daniel in his basement.
His Hard Rock songs Down To Size and World Around Me, won multiple contests and awards as well as received rave reviews from Hollywood Music Composer Billy Mallery (The Island, Totality, Lions Gate films).
Billy went on to rave about his Soft Rock songs A Light In You, It's Gonna Rain and New Age song Edge of Waves. which also won awards. The awards were nice but they were through online contests and Daniel longed to have his songs professionally produced.
Daniel's talent didn't stop at rock though. His cousin had an excellent voice for Hip Hop and Daniel wanted to help him with his dream. So, he checked out some beats, grabbed a mic and tried his hand at rapping. Low and behold, it worked. He called himself Upryze and he, along with his cousin, Trajik, licensed some beats, produced an album for each of them and one as a collective group called Mirage which combined Daniel's Rock influence and Josh's excellent rap skills allowing them to make some noise in Louisville, Ky. Their singles War Zone and Rock Star received rotation on Acoustic Alternative Radio, a top 20 online radio station in the world at the time. It was the first Hip Rock song they ever played and Mirage would like to think they started the genre Hip Rock even though they can't say for sure.
Along the way Grammy Award winning Music Producer, Frankie Biggs, took a listen and called this Hip Rock, "Fresh and new" and offered to produce an album for them. But, 30,000 clams proved too hard for them to raise as the support in Louisville, KY seemed non-existant as well as the demands of family and poor paying full time jobs. Eventually, they gave up this particular dream but as you know, Daniel moved right into the media side of the music industry shortly after that.
The Music of Daniel Curtis Morrison